Meeting your demand

Zapad Invest Chem is a trading company, a specialist in the plastics recycling industry. Our dynamic development is accompanied by a clear vision – we want to play a part in building the circular economy.
In this perspective, raw materials are reused in the production system without interfering with the biosphere. Thus, it is the opposite of a linear economy, which is a model of production according to the „take, produce, throw away” principle.

We establish and maintain friendly relations between plastics producers and processors. Our goal is to gain materials from reliable sources and provide them to our customers on a national and global scale.
We know that only a reliable partner is able to maintain effective business relationships. The overriding mission of the Zapad Invest Chem is the highest attempt of care to satisfy our customers in accordance with the „Win-Win” business spirit.

More than just waste

Price and quality are not everything. We believe that reliability, efficiency, and trust are equally important. We demonstrate the transparency of the Zapad Invest Chem at every operational stage of our business. Ultimately, every successful business should be based on relationships.


We have an extensive logistics network thanks to the acquisition of appropriate and reliable partners in the transport industry. We are distinguished by the individual selection of logistic tools, packaging and transport methods – according to the needs of our customers. Our warehouse is located in a strategic location – in order to deliver “just in time” regardless of circumstances.

Contact us ...

We care about the training and morale of our staff. Finally, we build the effectiveness of our actions and the trust from the first contact. Contact us and negotiate the best conditions together in a friendly and professional atmosphere.